Every year I tell myself that the next year is going to be better than the next, that it’ll finally be, “all good”. And in many ways yes, each year brings me so many more blessings than I could imagine and I am so thankful. In other ways, life continues to throw more trials than I ever feel ready for. But isn’t that how life works? It’s never going to be all sunshine all the time. I feel constantly tested to my limits in some ways, but also so damn lucky and blessed in other ways, far more than I think I deserve. 

What I do know is that in my 24 years I have done a lot of growing, and every year I learn more about myself and my strengths through both the triumphs and tribulations. I love who I am becoming, but I will never stop growing and trying to be the best person I can be. It is both a beautiful and messy endless transformation.

Is who I am now who I was five years ago? Certainly not. Do I hope I will be the same person in another five years from now? I absolutely hope not as well. We are all the sum of our experiences, and that is what really shapes us as people in my opinion. I hope in the future I continue to strive to be a kind, thoughtful, loving and generous friend, sister, daughter, aunt, athlete etc. I know I am not always that person either, I fail at it a lot but that doesn’t stop me from trying.

I also hope for some crazy and life changing experiences in the next five years as well. Ones that help me be a better person, the ones that help with that endless growth and transformation I talked about. Experiences that all around help me appreciate life more, and as the saying goes, some of the best days of our lives have yet to happen.

I am ready for those great days to come, but I’m also sure that there will be days that might be the worst of my life as well. But I have survived every single hard thing thus far. Every day or task or job or practice when I was sure I couldn’t go on anymore, I made it. I am HERE. I will continue to try to show up every day knowing I can do hard things, and that I can do great things as well.

My life is so much crazier than I ever could’ve imagined at 24. When I think back to Emily in her younger days, maybe elementary or middle school, I know she would be so proud. That’s what’s in the back of my mind as I continue to grow. Would younger Emily be proud? And now I kind of actually have a little version of my younger self looking up to me as well; my 11-year-old niece Annabelle. She is one of my best friends and she teaches me so much.

When I think of my life I want to be the type of person she would be proud of as well, and kids don’t lie about that type of stuff! If she thinks I’m doing a good job, then I definitely will be okay with whatever life throws at me. I also trust that everything that has already unfolded in my 24 years has prepared me for all that is coming, and with the guidance of making God, myself, my family and Annie proud… I’m ready for it all.

So, here’s to being twenty-four and in honor of my 24th birthday I’m going to share 24 things I know to be true and things I’ve learned throughout my short but eventful time here on earth. These are really just 24 things I want to share, and it’s my birthday so you better read them!!!!


  1. The only constant in life is CHANGE, so you better learn to adapt.
  2. No one will ever love me as much as my Mom and Dad. The love of a parent, for me, has been so unconditional. I know they would do anythingfor me and I’m forever grateful for them. Love ya Mom and Dad.
  3. Mental Health is Just as Important as Physical Health.
  4. Take care of your body, it is the only one you will ever get. Eat the good stuff, while treating yourself to the goooood stuff as well. Your body is telling you it needs vegetables, so eat some vegetables.
  5. Choose love always, even when it’s hard. It’s easy to hold grudges and hate, but it serves you no purpose. Let that shit go, if only for your own healing, and take the lessons learned and move on.
  6. Spend time with your family, even if you live with them or they sometimes get on your nerves. They are all growing older too so don’t take them for granted.
  7. Always trying to keep up on the latest trends or super expensive name brand clothing and shoes gets you… where exactly? Instead, spend your money on experiences that will teach you new things and give you great memories. That is never a waste of money.
  8. Read more books. It’s the next best thing to experiencing it yourself. Books can transport you to another world, and teach you so much. The book is always better than the movie.
  9. You can do whatever you want in this life, if only you are brave enough to make a change, be horrible at something new, and work your ass off.
  10. Speak to yourself as you would speak to someone you love. Talking down to yourself in your head every day won’t help you improve at anything.
  11. Drink A LOT of water. It really does change your life!!!! Drink more than a gallon a day and I swear you’ll feel amazing after your body adjusts and you don’t have to pee every hour.
  12. Crying is okay, it’s great actually. Letting it out is always better than holding it in. By letting yourself feel it, you can actually start to heal.
  13. In the history of the world there has never been a day where the sun didn’t rise. Every day is a new opportunity to try again. Every day is another chance. 
  14. What gives you the right to judge how other people live their lives? Who are you to say one sin is worse than another? Because it’s against your morals, or against your God? Love others how you believe your God or highest power loves all, and let that be it. Life is hard enough without other people’s unwanted judgements and opinions.
  15. Get on a vitamin regime. Collagen, turmeric, probiotics, vitamin D (especially in winter when there is so sun) and all the good stuff. It will make you feel sooooo much better and you might currently have deficiencies you are unaware of that are slowing you down.
  16. It is okay to fail, it’s a part of life and it does not make you a failure. Bad things will happen to you, but they don’t have to define you.
  17. It’s okay to ask for help, because no one else has it figured out either.
  18. YOU ARE THE VALUE. This is your life and story, so do not ask if you are good enough for another thing or person. That takes your power and gives it to whatever thing you are chasing. Is the job, relationship or thing good enough for you? Will it make you better? Will it give you joy? Is it in line with how you envision your life? Does IT deserve you?
  19. Move your body every day, even if it’s just a brisk walk. The human body can do amazing things. Don’t let this vessel go to waste. Move it and use it to its fullest, in ways that make you feel happy and alive!
  20. Nothing extraordinary will ever happen in your comfort zone.
  21. The process > the outcome. The outcome would mean nothing if it weren’t for all the ups and downs of journey of the process. Fall in love with the process of becoming. 
  22. Find things/hobbies that help you de-stress. Shoot for healthy things that you can turn to when life gets crazy, because it will. Self-care is not selfish.
  23. Tell people how you feel about them, even if it’s scary. And do it often. Expressing feelings/emotions is not weak.
  24. In my 24 years what I’ve figured out the meaning of life to be so far, in my opinion, is love. Life is about finding what you love and chasing that while finding the people you love along the way who you want to share life with. It’s about showing love and trying to make the world a better place then it was before you got here.

